Legal notice

Inform­a­tion accord­ing to §5 of the E‑Commerce Act, §14 of the Aus­tri­an Enter­prise Code, §63 of the Indus­tri­al Code and §25 of the Media Act.

Mama Afrika – Asso­ci­ation for the Pro­mo­tion of Entre­pren­eur­ship in Africa

ZVR: 066930976
Oper­nring 7, 8010 Graz, Austria

Chair­wo­man: Monika Wäg

Headquar­ters: 8010 Graz


EU Dispute Resolution

In accord­ance with the Reg­u­la­tion on Online Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion in Con­sumer Mat­ters (ODR Reg­u­la­tion), we would like to inform you about the online dis­pute res­ol­u­tion plat­form (OS plat­form).
Con­sumers have the pos­sib­il­ity to sub­mit com­plaints to the online dis­pute res­ol­u­tion plat­form of the European Com­mis­sion at You will find the neces­sary con­tact details above in our imprint.
How­ever, we would like to point out that we are not will­ing or obliged to par­ti­cip­ate in dis­pute res­ol­u­tion pro­ceed­ings before a con­sumer arbit­ra­tion board.


Liability for the contents of this website

We are con­stantly devel­op­ing the con­tent of this web­site and endeavor to provide accur­ate and up-to-date inform­a­tion. Unfor­tu­nately, we can­not accept liab­il­ity for the accur­acy of all con­tent on this web­site, espe­cially that provided by third parties. As a ser­vice pro­vider, we are not obliged to mon­it­or the inform­a­tion trans­mit­ted or stored by you or to invest­ig­ate cir­cum­stances that indic­ate illeg­al activ­ity.
Our oblig­a­tions to remove inform­a­tion or to block the use of inform­a­tion accord­ing to the gen­er­al laws due to judi­cial or offi­cial orders remain unaf­fected by this, even in the case of our non-respons­ib­il­ity.
If you notice prob­lem­at­ic or illeg­al con­tent, please con­tact us imme­di­ately so that we can remove the illeg­al con­tent. You will find the con­tact details in the imprint.


Liability for links on this website

Our web­site con­tains links to oth­er web­sites for whose con­tent we are not respons­ible. We are not liable for linked web­sites, as we were and are not aware of any illeg­al activ­it­ies, have not noticed any such illeg­al activ­it­ies and would remove links imme­di­ately if we became aware of any illeg­al activ­it­ies.
If you notice illeg­al links on our web­site, please con­tact us. You will find the con­tact details in the imprint.


Copyright notice

All con­tents of this web­site (pic­tures, pho­tos, texts, videos) are sub­ject to copy­right. Please con­sult us before you dis­trib­ute, repro­duce or exploit the con­tent of this web­site, such as repub­lish­ing it on oth­er web­sites. If neces­sary, we will leg­ally pur­sue the unau­thor­ized use of parts of the con­tent of our site.
If you find any con­tent on this web­site that infringes copy­right, please con­tact us.


Picture credits

The images, pho­tos and graph­ics on this web­site are pro­tec­ted by copyright.

The image rights are held by: Mama Africa, Unsplash.

All texts are pro­tec­ted by copyright.

Source: Cre­ated with the imprint gen­er­at­or from AdSimple