Our way

Sometimes it’s the years of experience
that we don’t want to miss!

How it all began

Dur­ing a hol­i­day in Mom­basa in August 2006, the idea for Mama Africa was born. Spon­tan­eously, a first pro­ject is ini­ti­ated with private funds: a vil­lage shop as a dir­ect source of sup­ply. Two more busi­nesses are foun­ded, also sup­por­ted by private funds.

Sub­sequently, Mama Afrika is foun­ded by Georg Brand­ner and the mar­ried couple Mari­on Pirsch-kalla and Man­fred Schir­mack. The first dona­tions are organ­ized and a homepage is set up.

Rent­ing of the “Mama Afrika Haus” in Bam­buri, Mom­basa in Kenya, as a cen­ter of activ­it­ies for five of the Mama Afrika pro­jects. The “Mama Afrika Haus” will also be used to set up the “WOMEN” tail­or­ing work­shop as a sup­port pro­ject for single mothers.

Per­son­nel changes in the team due to the depar­ture of co-founders Man­fred Schir­mack and Mari­on Pirsch­kalla. On-site sup­port is provided by three loc­al pro­cess facil­it­at­ors. Mama Afrika is now also on the “dona­tion list” from the Min­istry of Finance.

The eco­nom­ic crisis in Mom­basa is also hit­ting Mama Afrika’s pro­jects hard. Tour­ism has com­pletely col­lapsed and many busi­nesses have lost their basis. At the same time, the cost of daily liv­ing has ris­en sharply. The loc­al sup­port mod­el has col­lapsed. What worked well for years no longer works. The pro­cess facil­it­at­ors have lost their reli­ab­il­ity, the eco­nom­ic hard­ship makes them think more about them­selves than about oth­ers. At the end of 2015, we are close to end­ing Mama Africa.

We have regained our cour­age! It turns out that thanks to mod­ern means of com­mu­nic­a­tion, we can super­vise the pro­jects dir­ectly from Aus­tria. And a woman from Ukundu also gives us cour­age with her unbroken will to improve her and her daugh­ters’ lives. Intens­ive eval­u­ation and reflec­tion work leads to the new concept “Mama Africa 3.0”, a devel­op­ment mod­el with 4 phases. The applic­a­tions so far show that we are back on the right track.

Monika Wäg had already made a trip to Ghana in 2019 to volun­teer in a school in the Volta region. With this exper­i­ence, a col­lab­or­a­tion with Mama Africa was born, which then res­ul­ted in the joint super­vi­sion of a pilot pro­ject in Ghana in 2020. In this pro­ject, a young, ambi­tious and well-edu­cated woman is sup­por­ted to suc­cess­fully run and expand her farm. In 2021, a second and large pro­ject was taken over with the Gbeke­bii School of Art and Cul­ture in the dis­trict of James-town in the cap­it­al of Ghana, in Accra, which for the time being aims to give 150 chil­dren not only a school edu­ca­tion and food, but also a pro­fes­sion­al per­spect­ive for the future.