
The new way
to success.

At Mama Africa, we rely on a mix of vari­ous mod­ules spe­cific­ally developed for our mem­bers in Kenya and Ghana. The com­bin­a­tion of instruc­tion­al videos and mul­ti­level quizzes has res­ul­ted in a sig­ni­fic­antly high­er know­ledge transfer.

Canvas Can Do It All

We use a learn man­age­ment tool that is glob­ally util­ized by uni­ver­sit­ies and meets all our require­ments. It is essen­tial for us that every Mama Africa mem­ber is giv­en an equal oppor­tun­ity for per­son­al development.

  • More effi­ciency
  • Inter­act­ive learning
  • Prac­tic­al examples
  • Less stress before exams

Our Courses

Our Con­trolling 101 course illus­trated the tre­mend­ous poten­tial that E‑Learning can have. This course cov­ers key top­ics that entre­pren­eurs face at the begin­ning of their journey.

Money Man­age­ment to dif­fer­en­ti­ate between busi­ness and per­son­al money.

Day­book for daily income and expenses tracking.

Invent­ory Man­age­ment for sens­ible stock control.

Con­trolling to keep track of expenses, income, profits (or losses).

Your contact person

Richard Wäg
Kassier­in Stellvertreter