Our team

It is the helper’s heart that beats in our team
and makes a big things possible!

We live our mis­sion of help­ing simply and effi­ciently daily. Our team is made up of exper­i­enced indi­vidu­als from many back­grounds who volun­teer for Mama Africa. What unites us is the irre­press­ible will to help. Where it is really neces­sary. Thanks to lean struc­tures, every euro can flow into our projects.

Monika Wäg
The flexible one

My strength is to quickly find solu­tions to new challenges.

Gun­del Per­schler
Vice Chair­wo­man
The realist

Seeks prag­mat­ic solu­tions
to sus­tain­ably advance
Mama Africa.

Petra Reis­ner
The conscientious one

Likes to break out of norms in order to set new impulses with a lot of flair.

Richard Wäg
Vice Treas­urer
The unusual one 

Tries to cre­ate some­thing new with unusu­al approaches.

Gernot Reit­er
The creative one

Always look­ing for new
stages to bring Mama Africa
into the limelight.

Philip Brand­ner
Vice Sec­ret­ary
The Thinker

Africa’s future rests on the edu­ca­tion of her children.

Peter Knaus­eder
The precise one

Makes sure that everything is correct.

Dorothea Andritz
Admin­is­trat­ive Staff
The consistent

Keeps an eye on Mama Afrika’s to-do list to achieve shared goals as quickly as possible.