Gun­del Per­schler
Vice Chair­wo­man

#54 Julieta

Hard market life

Juli­eta toils every day at her mar­ket stall in a sub­urb of Mom­basa. Every day she sells her veget­ables. Juli­eta is a mar­ket woman with heart and soul. But she has been through a val­ley of tears. Three years ago, her hus­band left her. From one day to the next, she was left empty-handed, not know­ing how to pay the school fees for her son and the food for the two of them.

She had to use the income from the mar­ket stall for daily liv­ing, and that was the begin­ning of the prob­lem. After a few weeks, there was no money left to buy new goods. Juli­eta had to leave the mar­ket. At the begin­ning of 2020, Mama Africa fin­anced a new start for her, trained her and donated a grant for her school fees. Today, she is back at full strength at her mar­ket stall and wants to expand it. To do so, she needs anoth­er loan.

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Fin­an­cing needs:Mar­ket stall expan­sion approx. 4,000 Euros