Monika Wäg

#59 Eli

Eli wants to move

Eli does­n’t let life get her down. Wheth­er it is mal­aria again and again, a ser­i­ous acci­dent or the total fail­ure of her farm, she always finds new ideas to be able to provide for her livelihood.

She cur­rently runs an online web shop for her own honey and is involved in her home com­munity to get the farm­ers to rethink so that they work more with each oth­er instead of against each oth­er. Eli would like to start a per­ma­cul­ture train­ing to be able to go even fur­ther in the dir­ec­tion of sustainability.

table datatable data
Fund­ing needed:2400 Euros
Short term:800 Euros for per­ma­cul­ture training