Gun­del Per­schler
Vice Chair­wo­man

#45 George

George the farmer: A seasoned man finds his vocation

George comes from Kisumu near Lake Vic­tor­ia in Kenya. Des­pite gradu­at­ing from high school, it was hard for him to find a job. In 2018, he star­ted selling second-hand clothes on mobile stalls around Mom­basa. Des­pite the ener­get­ic sup­port of some mar­ket women, the busi­ness does­n’t really want to take off. In 2021, he decides to become a farm­er. He runs two ren­ted farms, but the coun­try-wide drought causes one of the two farms to with­er. To be bet­ter equipped in the future, Mama Africa fin­ances an organ­ic farm­ing train­ing course for him, which he com­pletes with abso­lute enthu­si­asm. He is so con­vinced of organ­ic farm­ing that he imme­di­ately starts train­ing loc­al farm­ers in it. Now he wants to return to his home com­munity of Kisumu to buy his own farm.

table datatable data
Fin­an­cing needs:10.000 Euros
Short-term:3000 Euros for author­ity fees and soil expertise
Long-term:7000 Euros for the pur­chase of the land