One-time donation

The chal­lenges people in Ghana and Kenya are cur­rently facing are man­i­fold and change almost constantly:

Either school fees can­not be paid, a child falls ill and has to be hos­pit­al­ized, drought threatens agri­cul­ture, no one can do busi­ness because of upcom­ing elec­tions and related
unrest, the sud­den death of a single moth­er, the theft of live­stock or the loss of tour­ists due to the pan­dem­ic makes it impossible for oper­at­ors of juice stalls and cab­aret crafts to earn money …

unfor­tu­nately, this list can be con­tin­ued almost indefinitely.

Every single dona­tion helps us to reduce suffering.

Every­one decides for them­selves the amount they want to sup­port us with. Thank you!