School sponsorship

The Gbeke­bii School in Jamestown in Ghana is run on a purely vol­un­tary basis so that the chil­dren from the slum have a chance to get a reas­on­ably good start in life.

The prob­lems are almost end­less: either the roof of the school is leak­ing and in the rainy sea­son the water flows right through the classrooms, the volun­teer teach­ers are leav­ing the school, there is a lack of teach­ing mater­i­als every­where, the money for the fees for the offi­cial admin­is­tra­tion of the exams is miss­ing so that the chil­dren can trans­fer to sec­ond­ary state schools, or the school needs new text­books, the only print­er is broken…

The most obvi­ous prob­lem at the moment is the lack of money for the teach­ers’ salar­ies so that they can work in the school for a longer peri­od of time.

Please help us to keep this school alive by spon­sor­ing the teach­ers’ salar­ies. One teach­er earns the equi­val­ent of 250 Euros per month. The school needs at least three trained teach­ers to meet the neces­sary gov­ern­ment standards.

You can spon­sor a school with a min­im­um amount of 10 Euros per month. Thank you!