School sponsorship
The Gbekebii School in Jamestown in Ghana is run on a purely voluntary basis so that the children from the slum have a chance to get a reasonably good start in life.
The problems are almost endless: either the roof of the school is leaking and in the rainy season the water flows right through the classrooms, the volunteer teachers are leaving the school, there is a lack of teaching materials everywhere, the money for the fees for the official administration of the exams is missing so that the children can transfer to secondary state schools, or the school needs new textbooks, the only printer is broken…
The most obvious problem at the moment is the lack of money for the teachers’ salaries so that they can work in the school for a longer period of time.
Please help us to keep this school alive by sponsoring the teachers’ salaries. One teacher earns the equivalent of 250 Euros per month. The school needs at least three trained teachers to meet the necessary government standards.
You can sponsor a school with a minimum amount of 10 Euros per month. Thank you!