VIP package at our benefit evening

For dona­tions of 500 euros or more, a high­light awaits: our bene­fit even­ing with top entertainers.
You will have the best seat. Promised.

#14 Josephine

“From old to new”… Josephine has been stand­ing on her own two feet since 2015, after train­ing as a seam­stress by Mama Africa many years ago.

One-time donations

Every dona­tion helps. When you con­sider that you can pay a month’s school fees with just 25 euros 

Permanent donation

A steady drip fills the bar­rel. But not one without a bot­tom. We make sure that help is giv­en exactly where it is needed …

School sponsorship

Emmanuel wants to take chil­dren off the streets of the slums in Jamestown and give them an edu­ca­tion in his school …

#67 Christine

Christine simply approached us dur­ing our sup­port trip to Kenya in March 2023 and, unlike many oth­ers, did­n’t just ask for money.

#56 Virginia

After the death of her moth­er, Vir­gin­ia must not only care for her­self, but also for her young­er step­broth­er Elton …

#61 Emmanuel

Emmanuel wants to take chil­dren off the streets of the slums in Jamestown and give them an edu­ca­tion in his school …

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