VIP package at our benefit evening

For dona­tions of 500 euros or more, a high­light awaits: our bene­fit even­ing with top entertainers.
You will have the best seat. Promised.

#67 Christine

Christine simply approached us dur­ing our sup­port trip to Kenya in March 2023 and, unlike many oth­ers, did­n’t just ask for money.

#59 Eli

Eli does­n’t let any­thing get her down. Wheth­er it’s mal­aria, a ser­i­ous acci­dent or the total fail­ure of her farm, she fights to survive! …

#45 George

George comes from Kisumu near Lake Vic­tor­ia in Kenya. Des­pite gradu­at­ing from high school, it was hard …

#40 Riziki

Riz­iki is a single moth­er of three daugh­ters and needs urgent spin­al sur­gery to avoid becom­ing paralysed …

#54 Julieta

Juli­eta struggles every day at her mar­ket stall in a sub­urb of Mom­basa. After her hus­band left her, she needs money to expand her stall …